Vistage Inside Program
Invest in your leaders. Strengthen your company.
Vistage Inside is a unique executive development program designed for your senior leadership team. It combines dynamic group meetings, speaker workshops and individual mentorship. Through experiential learning, participants strengthen their leadership abilities, improve collaboration and put your company on course for greater success.

What Members say
Margaret H. Frogge
Senior VP for Corporate Strategy Riverside Medical Center
Vistage Inside provides a balanced scorecard of executive development. It brings what you can’t get in any other type of leadership development program. The development of the leader as a ‘total person’ is Vistage Inside’s unique differentiator.

Vistage Inside Program Overview
- 10-12 dynamic group meetings per year
- 6-12 executive coaching sessions
- 6-8 speaker presentations by subject matter experts
- Plus 24/7 access to a global community of 23,000+ business leaders and executives who face similar challenges, issues and opportunities
How Vistage works
Dynamic group meetings
- Recurring meetings provide a trusted forum for participants to process issues, engage in active learning and collaborate with each other.
- Participants are encouraged to address the key challenges facing the business, question assumptions and break down departmental barriers.
Expert speaker workshops
- World-class thought leadership from subject matter experts across a broad range of disciplines.
- Participants brainstorm new ideas and approaches that can drive results throughout the organization.
Executive coaching sessions
- Participants receive individual mentorship and guidance from their Vistage Chair, an experienced business leader.
- Confidential one-to-one sessions foster in-depth personal and professional development.